Random Update
Today has been a very random day. Don’t ask. I’ve sent random texts, random emails, and asked my husband multiple random questions. Now, I’m about to post a random blog 🙂
I’m thinking, why do we let other people put us into boxes, inhibit us, restrict us from being who we are. Why do we let them put a leash on our freedom? Why do we even care about their opinion. I want to challenge you right now to break free. Don’t let anyone make you cover up your true feelings, don’t let a weird look from someone stop you from enjoying your God given life and opportunities. Make the most of your life, praise God with your hands in the air if you want (no matter who is looking), pray over your lunch at work if you want (who cares if they think you’re weird), hook up your gospel music filled IPOD, ITouch, IPhone, or MP3 Player to your car stereo even when you’re giving that nonChristian a ride. Don’t let someone else’s view stop you from expressing yourself. (Within reason of course, lol).
The essence of what I’m saying is don’t be ashamed to be you. Don’t hide your light under a bushel. Don’t worry about what people will think. Life is too short.
And a quick summary of the random thoughts I’m having right now:
– I love the smell of McDonald’s fries…
– Wow, Jesus love me!!
– So glad Rhema is taking solid food without a fight now 😀
– James Bond drives an Aston Martin doesn’t he?
Fab! That’s made my day, I will look out for it. Thanks
Is beauty for ashes book 2 going to be released anytime? And is it about Lexi? I just finished the first and loved it but am desperate to know what happens to her..
Hi Rachel, lovely to hear from you. Well, I just finished writing book 2 on Tuesday and it is currently being edited. It should be out within a month, maybe even two to three weeks. Will keep you posted xx
lol 😀
Ermm, yeah.. truly random! Bless you