Cover Reveal: Delirium (Crystal 5)
Happy New Month Everyone!
The release of Delirium is fast approaching. I was thinking July 1st, but it might even be before then 🙂 I’m a little apprehensive about Delirium because readers finally get into Alejandro’s head, woohoo, and it’s a pretty weird place. Alejandro is a womanizer with a one track mind, but this series is still supposed to be ‘clean’ and Christian, lol.
Delirium follows Crystal and the team as they create an antidote to the drugs in the water and then try to get their antidote released to the nation. It also follows Alejandro as he tries to seduce older married women, including Crystal’s mom, Lexi. The challenge when I was writing this book was to keep Alejandro’s character authentic without going too far, since he’s not a Christian, he can be pretty crude, and he thinks about sex pretty much constantly. I think I did an okay job and managed to strike the right balance. I’m sure you’ll all tell me if I didn’t, lol. But you have been forewarned. There’s nothing graphic so don’t worry. Anyway, here’s the synopsis:
A frantic race against time
A cocktail of dangerous SOT-made drugs has been released into the water supply, and everyone is going nuts…
The SOT’s plans seem to be coming together nicely, while nothing that Crystal’s team is doing seems to work. With the opening of new ‘spirit centers’ all over the country to ‘combat’ the effect of the contaminated water supply, America is falling prey to the SOT’s agenda. Can Crystal and her team create an antidote before it’s too late?
Over the past two weeks I’ve been back and forth with my poor cover designer. I’m actually very easy to please when it comes to book covers, but I didn’t have any clue what I wanted for this book. Then when I got the cover with the girl in pink with New York City in the background, I really liked it, but Crystal’s skin is a lot darker than that girl’s, so I had to go back to the designer about it. You can see the transition below.
If you’ve been reading the Crystal Series, or if you read the Beauty for Ashes series, you’ll know
that Crystal has a drop of Cuban in her. It’s not a big deal, but I do want the girl on the cover to be true to the description of Crystal in the book. I imagine her skin colour to be similar to the gorgeous Christina Millian (right).
I think I’ll be going for the third version of the second cover.
What do you think?
Dayo x
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The third version seems about right. I love the cover!
Thanks Virtuous Girls. I think it’s pretty too xx
Hi Dayo,
Good to know that Delirium is up next. I like the first cover because it has the same theme/element as all the previous covers. The dark background and partially coverd face. Plus if the title is anything to go by then Delirum shouldn’t have a cover that looks more like a romance/chick lit. That cover will probably work more on any of the other books with a more delightful title. But then it’s entirely your call. I like the cover though. It just doesn’t seem appropriate for the contents or the title.
I can understand the problem of Alejandro. Tricky to write realistically about non-Christians isn’t it? Good to know also that there’s no graphic stuff. And I like that we get an insight into almost every major character’s mind. It makes the entire series full bodied. Now I can understand why you need to stretch this in other to do full justice to the book.
Well done!
Hey Sola, well since you like the first cover you’ve made me take a second look at it. Maybe it’s not as bad as I originally thought. It might do for one of the later books, if my designer hasn’t already sold it to someone else 🙂
Yes, it’s definitely tricky writing realistically about certain types of characters. And yes, I want to do justice to the story. I think bringing down the SOT/Luke would be a tough journey, so I just followed the story as it evolved.
Thanks for your comment x