The Dare Series , , , , , , , , , , ,

Out Now: The Gamble (The Dare 3)

The Gamble is out now, peeps 🙂

Get your copy at: Amazon UKAmazon USKobo & Smashwords. (Coming soon to iBooks and Nook).

CLICK HERE to watch a video of me talking about it. And in case you’ve missed my previous emails about it, here’s the back cover blurb:

Love never gives up
Marshal: Maybe I’m crazy, but I can’t let Sloane go. She’s at an all-time low and Miss World is coming up, but she doesn’t have a game plan. I’ve helped her in the past so Miss World might just be my opportunity to win her heart again. This time, I’m not going to let her go.

Parents know what’s best
Eli: Marshal still hasn’t gotten over his pathetic crush on Sloane. As his father it’s my duty to do what’s best for him. Even if it means further ruining Sloane’s already messed up life, and even if it means that Marshal will hate me forever.

My life is a nightmare that I can’t wake up from
Sloane: I thought I hit rock bottom last summer, but this is a whole new level of defeat. I let Marshal get under my skin again and that choice has blown up in my face. Life is crushing me. I’m drowning. And I don’t know how to save myself.



If you haven’t read the first two books of the series yet, here are links for them:

The Dare










Available at: Amazon UK, AMAZON US, BARNES & NobleiBooksKobo & Smashwords

The Bet










Available at: Amazon UKAmazon USB&NiTunesKobo, & Smashwords

I hope you enjoy them. I’m off to work on The Designer now, the next book in my Lincolns series 🙂

God bless.