
Out Now: The Televangelist (The Lincolns 12)

Hi guys,

If you’re on my mailing list you already know that my latest book, The Televangelist, hit the shelves today.

I’m so excited about this one. It’s Hades Lincoln’s story. Many of you have been intrigued by his plans to become a false preacher. Well, now you get to finally read all about it.

Get your copy here @ Amazon

His shadow is healing the sick and America is going wild.

Nobody knows he is healing with the power of a dark craft.

And nobody knows the price he’s paying in secret.


This is book 12 in my Lincolns series. I can hardly believe that so many of you have followed along with me on such a long series. I feel so blessed.

There’s only one Lincoln brother to write about after The Televangelist. That’s Jared. His book is already available for pre-order here.

Once I’ve wrapped up the Lincolns I’ll get back to my Saints and Sinner series. Many of you have been asking when I’m going to complete that series. The answer is: it’s next on the agenda. Thanks for your patience 😊.

Here’s the Amazon link for the Televangelist again.

I hope you enjoy it ❤️❤️

Dayo xx


All my Books FREE

Hi lovelies,

I hope you and your loved ones are well at this time.

I’ve heard from many of my readers who are facing challenging times at the moment and figured it might be nice for anyone who is self-isolating or feeling low to pass some time reading.

To assist you in this trying time of self-isolation, quarantine, lockdown, and everything else, all my books are FREE on Amazon until midnight today.

Here are the Amazon links:
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dayo-Benson/e/B005CI7H06/
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Dayo-Benson/e/B005CI7H06/

If you’re worried or anxious at this time, may I remind you of a few things?

  • Faith comes by hearing, so tune out what the news is saying and tune in to what heaven is saying. Feed your faith instead of consuming things that feed your fear. One reader told me over the weekend that she’s listening to the bible on audio nonstop and I thought that was a great idea.
  • God saw this coming. The coronavirus may have taken humanity by surprise but nothing takes God Almighty by surprise. Rest in that knowledge. He’s still in control.
  • It helps to get externally focused – who can you reach out to today and bless in some way? It doesn’t have to be a huge gesture. Just a kind word or a text message to let someone know you’re thinking of them can go a long way.

I’m realizing more and more how our world is so connected and yet so many people feel lonely and don’t have anyone to talk to. Please reach out to somebody today with a kind word.

God bless & stay safe.

Dayo xx

On Writing Personal Uncategorized , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Update: Why I haven’t been publishing anything.

Dear Highly Valued Reader,

Since I wrapped up my Crystal series back in 2016, I’ve been promising a season 2. Alas, I got side-tracked by other ideas and other series.

But I knew it was time to start writing more Crystal books when snippets of banter between Alejandro and Max kept popping into my mind!!!

To make this happen, I decided to hibernate and focus on finishing the two series that I was midway through (Saints and Sinners & The Lincolns). I’ve been pretty quiet since I released Unholy Ground (Saints and Sinners 3) back in January. That’s because I’ve been doing just that: hibernating and writing NONSTOP.

Need proof? The books I’ve written so far this year are:

  1. Irredeemable (Saints and Sinners 4)
  2. Curveball (Saints and Sinners 5)
  3. Justice (Saints and Sinners 6)
  4. Untitled (The Lincolns 10) – Salem Lincoln (it isn’t really untitled but if I mention the title you’ll all guess what’s wrong with him 😃)
  5. The Magician (The Lincolns 11) – Xy Lincoln
  6. The Televangelist (The Lincolns 12) – Hades Lincoln
  7. The Red Robe (The Lincolns 13) – Jared Lincoln
  8. Prophecy (Crystal 10)
  9. Untitled (Crystal 11)
  10. Untitled (Crystal 12)

Currently writing: Untitled (Crystal 13)

Please note: all titles listed are tentative.

You may be wondering how I’ve managed to write that many books this year. Well, I’ve been writing like I’m on drugs. My husband has been sniffing my breath just to make sure I’m sober, ha ha. But guess what? I’m LOVING this level of productivity.

However, writing so fast is hard work. It means I have to plot books in intricate detail so that writing is mindless and I don’t have to stop to think. I have to have each scene outlined and I have to know exactly where the book is going. It also means that in my spare time I’m reading lots of other books as reading awesome literature keeps me fresh and sparks my own creativity. I’m also watching movies, reading books/listening to podcasts about story-structure and storytelling devices/techniques, and other things that only obsessed storytellers bother with.

It also means trying to edit and publish isn’t realistic 😭😭😭

I’ve been trying to edit ‘Untitled’ (Salem’s book) and I’m about 60% through the first edit (2 more rounds of editing to go) and it’s affecting my writing.

Image result for wonder womanI initially thought I’d be able to edit/publish while writing this fast but I always think I’m Wonder Woman. I’m not.

Besides being an author, I’m also supposed to be a wife and a mother to two kids that I should really spend time with. Also, praying and reading my bible are habits that I just have to keep up. I can’t negotiate on that. I’m waking up at 4am each morning as it is. (5.30am is the absolute latest I can allow) or I won’t get everything done that I need to.

Creativity takes time. But don’t feel sorry for me, guys. I’m enjoying this so much. It’s my calling and it energizes rather than drains me. My goal is to publish 100 books before age 40. I’m in my early thirties and decided in January, when I had my birthday, that I don’t have to let this drag out until I’m forty. I’m a motivational video/personal development junkie and I heard a quote that you should take your 10-year goal and see what you can do to achieve it in 6 months!!! I cannot hit book 100 in 6 months. But I could possibly hit it by this time next year. I’m currently writing my 57th book so 43 left. Woohoo!!! 💃💃💃

I gave myself this ‘100 books by 40’ goal because I currently have 180 books on my ‘to be written’ list. The thought of getting to the end of my life and not writing them all troubles me. But I’ve decided that if I can write 100 of them, that’ll be pretty cool.

Really Sorry…

Image result for pleadingSoo…I’m asking for your forgiveness if you’re one of the people who has emailed me this year to ask when my next book will be out and I told you it’ll be out in the summer. It won’t. At the moment I’m thinking it’ll be next year. But who knows, I could burn out within a few months and decide to stop writing and start editing/publishing, or I might stay focused and make it to book 100 by this time next year (that’s the target).

If you’re thinking that writing that many books in twelve months is crazy. It is. But it’s not as crazy as you think if you consider the fact that I’m dictating the books (not typing. Typing forty-something books before now has pretty much ruined my wrists). I’m also a full-time author so this is my ‘day job’. Also, none of these books will be the finished article by any stretch of the imagination. Each one of them is a very messy first draft that I will need to later mold into something readable, and they will each have to go through three rounds of editing (It’ll probably take me like five years to actually publish them all). I’m literally just blitzing out my first drafts since the mood to do so has taken me.

Stay in Touch

Image result for stay in touchAnyhow, I need your prayers. Also, I invite you to email me whenever you want and keep me accountable, check on my progress, ask me what book I’m currently writing and how it’s going. I will happily tell you.

If you’ve been dying to know what’s wrong with Salem, let me know and I’ll tell you. It isn’t really a spoiler as the book focuses more on how he gets his freedom, rather than on his problem.

If you’re not on my mailing list, whyever not? Sign up here so that you’ll know the minute I publish a new book. I honestly can’t wait to share all these books I’m writing with you!!!

You’re always on my mind as I write.

In closing, here’s a quick encouragement from me: If you have a goal. Go for it. Even if it means single-minded focus for a season. Even if other people don’t get it and think you’re obsessed (#DedicatedNotObsessed). If you have lots of goals and don’t know which one to focus on first, I encourage you to pick out the goal that will make it easier for you to achieve all your other goals and go after it with so much savage tenacity that people think you’re on drugs 😂😂😂

Thanks for listening and for patiently accepting that I won’t be publishing any books this year (😀😀😀). You’re the best.

Dayo xx


Coming on Monday: Broken Halo (Saints & Sinners 1)

Hey guys,

I hope you’re adjusting to autumn/fall. Surprisingly, my corner of the UK hasn’t been as cold as it usually is at this time of year. It’s been a pretty mild week.

Anyhow, I’m super excited because on Monday (October 15th) I’m releasing book 1 in a brand new series.

Preorder on Amazon

Preorder on iBooks

Preorder on Kobo

Preorder on Smashwords

(Coming soon to B&N)

I have wanted to tell this story for so long because it deals with a topic that has been swirling around in my mind for ages. In fact, I thought I’d address it in my Pure Passion series (and I still will, but from a different angle) but I’ll be addressing it first in this series. Okay, I’ll stop being all cryptic now and just say isn’t the book cover awesome? My husband just keeps knocking it out of the park with his designs.

So, here’s a quick rundown of everything you need to know about this series:

Series Title: Saints and Sinners

Book 1 Title: Broken Halo

Main Characters:

Colby Carter

He’s the middle Carter brother. His elder brother, Hudson Carter, has his own love story and journey to redemption told in my Paradise Lost serial. Colby made an appearance in the Paradise Lost series. They’re the sons of a famous mega preacher, but they’re messed up, tortured souls. Colby’s issues don’t really come to light until book 2, but books 1 hints at them.

Chloe Campbell

She’s a missionary kid. She was born in Botswana, moved to South Africa for elementary school, then moved home to America because her mom and nana wanted her to go to high school and college in the States.

Chloe is the total opposite of Colby. She’s the quintessential good girl who has always done what is expected of her and obeyed Mom and Nana, except in one area: acting. She’s paying her way through college by acting on the side, something Mom, Nana and her fiance, Timothy, believe is unsuitable for a Christian woman. Oh, did I mention that Timothy, her fiance, is a pastor?

Chloe is naive, innocent, and does what’s expected of her–until she meets Colby.

A preacher’s kid and a missionary kid. It sounds like the perfect setup for a beautiful romance. Right?

Serial Format

Saints and Sinners is another serial like the Paradise Lost series. Opinions were divided on the shorter length of the Paradise Lost books. Many of you liked the shorter installments but a lot of you didn’t. I’ve decided to make these books much longer. In fact they’re no longer serial length books, but I’m still calling it a serial anyway. There’ll be five books in total. I’m going to try and release them in quick succession like I did with Paradise Lost. But maybe not quite that fast. I was doing two installments a month with Paradise Lost. That pace was a little crazy 🙂


This book is going to have some spiritual warfare elements in it. Not like the Crystal series and the Lincolns. It’ll be very different to that. But it will show the power of prayer, deliverance from dark forces, freedom in Christ, and all that good stuff.

From the Back Cover

What do you call a knight in shining armor if the knight is a woman?


I’m trying not to stare at this blonde knockout when I get robbed.

I don’t expect the blonde to chase the thief, blast him with pepper spray, and retrieve my money.

And that’s how I met Chloe Campbell.

The last thing I need is my lady knight thinking she can save me in other ways. I certainly don’t want to start believing that she can.

She’s everything I want in a woman, but she must be missing some vital self-preservation instincts because she thinks she’s in love with me.

I’m a stark sinner whose future is a big, fat black hole.

If she was like many girls her age, she would have heard of me. I’m pretty famous among that demographic.

But she has no idea who I am.


Colby is a bundle of secrets packaged as a drop-dead gorgeous, ‘he belongs on movie screens’ man.

I have every reason to walk away and forget that we ever met:

1. He’s out of my league.
2. He doesn’t seem to want anything to do with me.
3. I’m engaged. To a pastor, no less.

This feels like a disaster waiting to happen.

But it might be just what I need.

Falling from grace was never Chloe’s plan. Finding his way back to God was never Colby’s.

Could God be trying to get their attention?

Preorder on Amazon

Preorder on iBooks

Preorder on Kobo

Preorder on Smashwords

A Shout out to the Lincolns

I love the Lincoln boys and I’m still writing their books. I want each Lincoln book to be better than the last, so I find I need to take breaks between each book so that I can get inspired, pray for ideas, etc. I already know what’s going to happen in each of the rest of the books, but taking a little step away gives me the opportunity to come up with a few fresh things to throw in that make the books that little bit better (in my humble opinion) or add a new character or new dimension that previous books in the series don’t have.

I like to make my breaks from the Lincolns productive and still write something, so that’s why I’ve been writing serials in between.

If there’s anything you would like to see happen in the Lincolns series email me (dayo@dayobenson.com) or let me know in the comments below.

God bless xx


Coming on Monday: The Shadows (Paradise Lost 4)

Howdy guys,

There’s a pretty festive atmosphere in England today because of the Royal Wedding. I don’t think I’ll have time to watch it, but I love the Google Doodle of Harry and Meghan 🙂 My daughters’ schools have been doing all kind of things to get the kids excited about the wedding, even having the children write wedding advice for the couple which will be posted to the palace. Apparently, they did the same when William and Kate got married and received a photo of the couple from the Queen, so we’ll see what happens.

My daughter Rhema’s advice to Harry and Meghan was: ‘Don’t fall out. Forgive. Love each other.’ She’s seven years old. Pretty sound if you ask me 🙂

In other news…

The Shadows (Paradise Lost 4) releases on Monday. (I will be abbreviating Paradise Lost to PL from now on in this post 🙂 ) So, I suppose I’d better give you some info about the book. The previous book, Sin City (PL3), ended on a pretty dramatic note, but worry not, you’ll be able to find out what happens next on Monday.

Click Here to pre-order The Shadows if you haven’t already.

What’s new in this book?

Ooh, I’m glad you asked. A number of things. For one…

Hudson’s POV

Yes, you finally get Hudson’s point of view in this book. You get to climb into his head and see stuff through his eyes. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll sympathize with him though. It just gives you some insight into how his mind works.

Love Triangle

I love a good love triangle. Usually, however, both dudes in a love triangle are awesome so it’s hard for the girl to choose. Katie finds it hard to choose between Hudson and Man Number 2 for entirely different reasons. Actually, I’m skipping ahead to Torn (PL 5) now. The love triangle gets started in The Shadows, but it’s in Torn that things really heat up on the love triangle front.

I’m not quite sure why I just said ‘Man Number 2’ instead of just naming and shaming him. His name is Devin Lake. You met him in Sin City. Yes, he’s the dude who’s trying to get between Katie and Hudson. Torn (PL5) is out on pre-order already (Click Here to get it). I can’t wait for you to read it. But read The Shadows first of course. One step at a time guys. One step at a time. Here’s the cover though.

The cover is fabulous, as always. My husband just keeps outdoing himself. Torn is scheduled to release on May 31st. Mainly because you guys are on my back about releasing things quickly. Honestly, I slave over books for months, release them, but before I can relax and bask in the ‘new release glow’ I get emails saying ‘I’ve finished reading it, when’s the next one coming out’. Like, seriously, some of you people read really fast. How do you finish reading a book the same day it released??? It’s actually scary, because I don’t know how you do it. I can’t keep up. But these are good ‘problems’ to have. In fact, it’s not even a problem. It’s a blessing. Thank you for pushing me to work harder and faster.

From the Back Cover of The Shadows (PL4) – **releasing Monday**

I love him…I hate him…

The way Hudson treated Katie on their final day in Las Vegas was unforgivable. If Katie has any sense of pride, she’ll walk away and forget all about him. That is exactly what she intends to do. But Hudson has decided that he wants her forgiveness, and he’s working hard at it. It’s either Katie returns his constant text messages or he will continually fill her dorm with crazy numbers of bouquets.

Love is beautiful…Love is painful…

Hudson has been burned in the past. The last girl he gave his heart trampled all over it and he can’t forget the pain. Hudson knows his crazy behavior is toxic for both him and Katie, but what can he do to change? Go to therapy? Turn to God?

The last thing he wants is Devin Lake, the megastar singer who set his sights on Katie in Las Vegas, taking her off his hands. But he doesn’t know how to hold on to her. It seems everything he does just pushes her farther away.

A story of brokenness, healing, and God’s mercy.

Pre-order Now to find out what happens in the fourth installment of this Christian coming of age serial about two preacher’s kids who have lost their way 🙂 🙂 🙂

Key Quotes

I don’t think I’ve ever given any quotes from an upcoming book before. The idea just popped into my head, so here goes. And they may not really be ‘key’, but ‘Key Quotes’ is a much better heading than simply ‘Quotes’ or ‘Quotes from the book’.

Katie: I frown. I still miss you…can’t stop thinking about you…heartbroken. Those are words of love. But Hudson is not in love with me. I don’t even know what exactly he wants.
Yes I do, I tell myself fiercely. He wants someone to have an angsty, on-off relationship with, where the emotions are high and flash from love to hate and then back again every five minutes.

Katie: Lots of people have whispered annoying so-called encouragements to me today:
God is in control.
Hold on to God, Katie.
God will get you through this.
If this is what happens when God is in control, then I don’t want Him in control.

HudsonI wish I could give her more. I wish I could be more. But I’m afraid. And fear gets in the way of love—even when you don’t want it to.

Hudson: I fell for Paige hard and fast. I bared my soul to her after just a few months of dating. And that was the end of me and Paige. The day she left was the day I told myself I didn’t care about love anyway and would never let myself fall in love ever again. So why am I standing here in the middle of a busy train station, holding a bunch of pink peonies and staring into space over a woman?

Ro“I know this is hard to hear, but life goes on, Katie. It has to. Make your mom proud by doing the things you should be doing, and doing them well. She’s in heaven right now, happy and having a blast with God and the angels. She’s joined the cloud of witnesses that are looking at us and cheering us on to live our lives in the right way. Don’t give her a reason to be sad in paradise.”


I’m so excited for you guys to read The Shadows.

If you haven’t started this series yet, what are you waiting for? Get your copy of Hooked (PL1) now by clicking here.

Much love xx


New Year Planning: 6 Questions to Review the Outgoing Year

Hey guys, hope you’re all well!

It’s that time of year where we’re looking forward to a new year, so I’ve been doing a lot of planning and goal setting (since October actually – I know, I’m strange, ha ha). But I really believe in planning. It’s so important. We want next year to be better than this year, and in order to make that happen, we have to be intentional.

I’ve recorded a video about reviewing the year/new year planning, but if you prefer to read text continue reading below the video 🙂


Whether this year has been good, or not so good, we want next year to be better. We want to make progress, spiritually, maritally, career-wise, with our kids, in our ministries, in our health.

But, before planning for next year, it’s important to first reflect on this year. If you want to go somewhere, if you want to move forward you first need to know where you are right now. Your satnav (GPS if you’re American 🙂 ) can only tell you where to go because it knows your current location. And you need to know your current location if you want to move forward. You need to take some time to reflect.

It’s important to look back, and I think looking back has negative connotations among Christians because we’re thinking of Lot’s wife who looked back, but there are certain situations where looking back is not only okay, it’s essential.

For example, when you’re driving, you definitely need to be forward focused, but you need to use your rearview mirror from time to time before you make decisions about whether to switch lanes, turn a corner, or reverse. And that’s what reflection does. You’re giving yourself the opportunity to work out what road you’re on and what destination you’re heading towards. Then you can decide whether to switch lanes or even reverse and turn around.

In Haggai 1:5-7 the bible says: Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: “Consider your ways! “You have sown much, and bring in little; You eat, but do not have enough; You drink, but you are not filled with drink; You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; And he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes.” Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Consider your ways!

And that’s what we want to do. Now is the time, as this year rolls out, to take a moment and work out where you are, how you got there and what to do about it; whether to switch lanes, back up or stay on course.

So, here are some questions to aid your self-reflection and your reflection on this outgoing year. They’ve been useful for me, so I hope they’re useful for you too.

But before we get to the questions let me just say, this isn’t supposed to turn into a pity party, or make you sink into depression. The purpose of this exercise is to help you move forward. Whatever happened this year is done. We’re doing this in order to move forward.

Another purpose of this exercise is to stir up gratitude. I’m certain that lots of things went well for you this year so as you reflect, take a moment to thank God for that.

So, here are the questions:

  1. What were the main high points this year? Choose two or three things.

It’s always good to start positive, so think about the main good things about 2017 that stand out for you.

  1. Go through the year month by month and write down something good that happened that month.

These can be simple things, for example, maybe in January it was your birthday and you had a good time, in February your boss complimented you on a piece of work, in March you learned something new about God or about a particular scripture…

Go through the whole year and write down one good thing that happened each month.

  1. In what ways did you improve or grow as an individual this year?

Did you get a degree or other qualification? Were you a more faithful steward at work this year? Did you grow in loving your spouse unconditionally rather than only being loving if you felt they deserved it? Did you pray more this year and get closer to God? Did you volunteer at church, or stay committed to a ministry? It doesn’t matter what it is. Is there any evidence of growth in your life this year.

  1. What didn’t go so well?

So we’ve talked about the highlights. Now it’s time to talk about the lowlights? In which areas did you regress or just not make as much progress as you should have?

  1. What mistakes did you make this year, and more importantly what did you learn from them? How can you prevent making such mistakes again in future?

We all make mistakes so let’s not beat ourselves down about it. Let’s learn from them and work out how to prevent making similar mistakes in the future.

  1. What did you hope, on January 1st of this year, to have achieved by now? Have you done those things? If so, what has the result been? If not, what hindered you?

So this is where we really begin to dig a little deeper. Even if you didn’t set goals for this year, I’m sure there are things that you wanted to achieve. Did you achieve them? Why, or why not? This is important because if you’re able to identify the reasons why you didn’t achieve the things you wanted to achieve you can address those issues and make sure they don’t hold you back in the coming year. Also, on the flip side, if you’re able to identify why you were able to achieve the things you did achieve, you can use it as a formula to keep achieving next year.


So those are my six tips for reviewing the year. I hope you found them helpful. I’m in a super motivated mood with all this goal-setting stuff so I’ll be back soon with another post about preparing for the new year.

In writing news, I finished writing the next Lincoln book this morning. It’s called The Chef and it’s Locke’s story, but I’m going to sit on it for a while as I may need to add more to it to set up the next few brothers’ books

God bless 😉


Contest: 40 Books & a Kindle Fire :-)

Hey guys,

To celebrate the beginning of autumn (‘fall’ to the Americans), I’ve teamed up with more than 40 fantastic inspirational contemporary romance authors to give away a huge collection of novels, PLUS a Kindle Fire to one lucky winner!

You can win my novel Bondage, plus books from authors like Julie Lessman and Susan May Warren 🙂

Enter the giveaway by clicking here:  (I’ve entered it myself 🙂 )

Crystal Series Uncategorized Upcoming Book , , , , ,

Survey: What do you want to read next?

confused cartoon downloadGuys, I’ve been working on my 2016 books, and I just have too many ideas; it’s hard to decide what to do. I’m praying about what projects to focus on in 2016, and I would also like some feedback from you about what you would like to read next. I’ve thrown together a questionnaire, and I would so much appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete it. There are only 9 questions.

Please click here to access the survey.

Thank you in advance for your response 🙂

And thank you for taking Sleeper to no. 1 in its category on Amazon UK and no. 3 in its category on Amazon US. I’m totally overwhelmed 🙂

Quick update, I’m working on editing Powerful Enemies (Crystal 8). It’s a long book, the longest of the series so far, so I know I have to cut it down and sharpen the prose. I also have a 7.5 book called ‘Wedding Kidnap’ which I will be releasing in a week or two. After Powerful Enemies will come Legacy (Crystal 9) and that will be the end for the Crystal Series. I’ve had a blast writing the books and I’m so glad many of you are enjoying them.

After I finished writing the Beauty for Ashes series, I felt a little sad at saying ‘bye’ to those characters, but I was mostly relieved. I was sick of the books because Raw Deal had been on my laptop for six years, as had rough outlines for Red Carpet and Refiner’s fire. I’d read Raw Deal over and over for six years before publishing it. I really wanted to move on to new books and characters. With the Crystal series, the idea was in my mind for a few years before I started writing it last year, but it was pretty vague until I started writing. Because I only started writing the series last year, the series and characters still feel new-ish to me. I feel like I could easily write another ten books about them. But I have other characters in my mind too, whose stories I want to tell, and other ideas I want to explore.

I’m still trying to work out my ‘author brand’ and determine where I fit in the marketplace. My books are all too different from each other. I have both romance and supernatural suspense books; books about adults and YA/NA books; books with white main characters and books with black main characters. At the moment I just categorize my books on a book-by-book basis.

I guess, I just like the freedom of writing about whoever and whatever I want. I’m an independent author, so why not? If I had a publisher there is no way I could write the Beauty for Ashes Series and then follow it with the Pure Passion Series. Neither would I be able to write sweet romance and then follow it with a series about a cult. Only the biggest authors are allowed to genre-hop, and even then, not very much.

Anyway, I’m thinking about my brand so that readers know what to expect from me. A lot of my readers are so sweet and have followed me as I’ve genre-hopped all over the place, but I want to settle down now, enough playing the literary field (ha ha). I want people to know what to expect when they pick up a book by me. Denise Hunter has been my favorite author for a while, probably because she writes sweet romances that relax me. I can’t read anything too suspenseful while I’m writing suspenseful books myself. It’ll be suspense overload. I know what to expect from Denise Hunter. I know what to expect from Francine Rivers. With most authors you know what to expect. I’d be completely shocked if I opened a Denise Hunter book and there were angels in it? If I wanted angels I’d go to Frank Peretti. So, I think brand is important. I’m praying about it. I wonder if my brand can be that I have no brand, and that I’m unpredictable, lol.

Please don’t forget to complete my short survey. Here’s the link again.

Have a great week.


Out Now: Secrets (Crystal 6)

secrets5Guys, it’s finally out!!! If you’ve enjoyed the previous books in the Crystal series you won’t want to miss this one.

Here are the links: Amazon UK, Amazon US, Smashwords.

It’ll be on Kobo, Barnes & Noble and all the other retailers soon.

In case you’ve missed my earlier posts with the book description, here it is again:

Two unlikely people. An undeniable passion. A devastating secret.

Two passions consume Crystal: vengeance over the SOT, and love for Juda. Nothing may ever come of either.

Juda feels connected to Crystal in a way he has never felt with anyone before. But a devastating secret holds him back. Crystal may be the most forgiving person he’s ever known, but even she would never forgive him if she finds out what he did.

Some things are best kept secret.

But can he live with himself if he doesn’t tell her?

Here are the links again: Amazon UK, Amazon US, Smashwords.

Hope you enjoy it.

God bless.


Out Now: Searchlight (Crystal 1)

searchlightHi Everyone,

Searchlight is out now. Get your copy at Amazon UK, AMAZON US or B&N. It’s on Itunes, Kobo, Smashwords and a host of other places too. I can’t wait to see what you guys think. If you would like a free review copy let me know.

Once again, the synopsis is:

A heart-rending tragedy. A passionate love. A firm resolution.

For as long as Crystal remembers, she has wanted to be a singer.
For as long as she remembers, her parents have feared the SOT, a celebrity cult that will make you famous, but destroy you in the process.
When Luke, leader of the SOT, sets his sights on Crystal will she have the courage to stand her ground, or will she give in?

After the SOT deals a deadly blow, Crystal has no choice but to obey their orders to sign up for Searchlight. Searchlight is the biggest talent show on TV. With the SOT’s backing, Crystal could win, but is she willing to pay the price? When she unexpectedly finds love, she is afraid to pursue it for fear that darkly handsome Juda could become an SOT target too.
At Searchlight, her dreams and nightmares collide. According to Juda, it’s the darkest places that need light the most, but the SOT is much darker than Crystal imagined.

Not everything is what is seems to be, and not everyone is who they say they are. Crystal is tough, but she’s only human. There’s only so much heartache and betrayal one girl can take.
Then she is tested and forced to make a choice.
It’s a choice between light and darkness.
Good and evil.
Faith and despair.
But choosing God could mean choosing death.

The SOT is back, and this time they mean business! Lexi escaped. Will her daughter, Crystal?

Fans of the popular Beauty for Ashes Series, by the same author, will love this new novel, which focuses on Crystal, supermodel Lexi Washington’s daughter.

Get your copy at Amazon UK, AMAZON US or B&N.

Have a great evening,
